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3D LUT Processor


The RCP can control a 3D LUT processor and integrate with Davinci Resolve, Premiere, etc.

It means you can:

  • Get some rushes from the cameras
  • Grade in Resolve
  • Export the LUT to the RCP
  • Shade in live from the RCP, combining camera + LUT
  • Export the LUT from the RCP to resolve at the end of the show

Supported devices

  • Cyanview VP4
  • Flanders BoxIO
  • AJA ColorBox
  • Blackmagic Terranex Mini



The laptop is optional and only requires for:

  • setup
  • import/export of the LUT


The setup is similar to any Color Corrector integration.

Navigate to your RCP Configuration UI.

In the Configuration tab, in the Components section, click on +.

Select Video Processor.

In the list, select your color corrector and fill in the name and IP address:

  • [step 1] chose a name for your color corrector (optional)
  • [step 2] enter the IP of your device

If everything goes well, your block should turn green:


In the VP4 case, it is autodetected and nothing to do

You can now create a camera and in the Video Processor section, select the CC you just created.


Here the cam is Not controlled, it means I just control the CC.

We could combine camera control (a FX9, etc.) with my BoxIO control.


For RCP operation of CC and combined cam+CC, you can refer to this generic guide.

I'll show here the integration with Davinci Resolve, but the workflow is similar with any grading software.

3D LUT import/export in RCP

In your grading/editing software, export the LUT (format: 33 Point Cube):


This guide focus on mac os, but the workflow is similar on windows:

  • ensure your PC has a compatible IP (you should be able to browse the RCP web UI)
  • open file explorer in This PC
  • right click, Add a network location
  • network address: \\<IP of your RCP>\3DLUT (pay attention to the backslash), example: \\\3DLUT

Ensure your computer is wired and can reach your RCP:

Open your file explorer, and in Network, the Cyanview devices should appear with their serial number:

Click on the RCP, then double-click on 3DLUT to mount this network directory locally on your computer:

You should see this:

The directory exports will contain exported LUT from the RCP.

Copy and paste the exported LUT from your computer to this directory (3DLUT root directory):

Here for example, I have 2 dummy LUT:

  • unsaturated
  • saturated

LUT names can contain -, _ or ..

Should end with .cube.

Are case-sensitive : saturated.cube is different from SATURATED.cube

No space allowed in name : LUT Blackmagic_1.3007_12311817_C012.cube is not allowed.

RCP operation

In this case, the basic screen displayed on RCP looks like this:

Navigate to Paint 1 > Color

By turning the 3rd encoder below the screen, I can see the LUT I exported from my computer.

Once you're on the desired LUT, click on the 3rd encoder (Set LUT > Apply).

This will load this LUT on the BoxIO channel 1 (based on my RCP configuration).

Once loaded, Apply will not be displayed anymore:

Here, I loaded my LUT unsaturated.cube.

Now, when I shade using my RCP, the RCP recalculate the LUT based on this one.

At the end of the show, I can then click on the 4th encoder (Save LUT > Save).

And my live LUT (base LUT + live shading) will be exported in the exports directory:

The name is: X_Y.cube with:

  • X : my camera number
  • Y : my camera name

So in this case, in exports, I have a file: 1_BoxIO-CH1.cube that I can import back to resolve through the network.


You can download the following dummy 3D LUT (generated from Davinci Resolve):