Lawo V__pro8

You can control all your V__pro8's channels from our RCP

[Step 1] : Ensure your V__pro8 version is at least V_pro8_120121. We don't support older versions.
[Step 2] : Connect the RCP to the V__pro8
- In the RCP Configuration UI, in
block, click on+
- Select
Video Processor > Lawo: V__pro8
- Give it a name (optional)
- Enter the IP of your V__pro8

If everything is correct, it should go green:

If you have more than one V__pro8, simply repeat the operation and ensure to setup distinguishable names.
[Step 3] : Control the desired channels
- In the RCP Configuration UI, in
block, click on+
- In the
section, give it a number and a name - In the
Camera Head
section, select Not controlled brand - In the
Video Processor
, select your V__pro8 and video channel (format :VPRO8_NAME : VPRO8_CHANNEL

If everything is correctly configured, it should looks like this:

Repeat the operation for all your V__pro8 video channel.