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Blackmagic Camera control

We have three ways to control a Blackmagic camera:

  • IP to the camera using the REST API
  • IP to an ATEM (which will then control the camera over SDI return feed)
  • SDI metadata through the program input of the camera

Supported models

Control over SDI

All cameras having return SDI and supported by the Atem for camera control can be controlled over SDI either directly or through an Atem. See Camera SDI

Control over IP REST API

The following Blackmagic cameras are compatible with Camera Control REST API:

  • Blackmagic URSA Cine 12K LF
  • Blackmagic Cinema Camera 6K
  • Blackmagic URSA Broadcast G2
  • Blackmagic Micro Studio Camera 4K G2
  • Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus
  • Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro
  • Blackmagic Studio Camera 6K Pro
  • Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Plus G2
  • Blackmagic Studio Camera 4K Pro G2

Make sure to update the camera firmware and the RCP to the latest version, older versions might be incompatible.


The control is exactly the same on every camera, except tally not present on IP control.

IrisManual and AUTO iris
GainGain in dB or ISO
ShutterManual, AUTO, ECS
White balanceR/G/B gains, M. White, Color Temperature and Tint
Black balanceR/G/B gains, M. Black
GammaR/G/B and M. Gamma
Saturation/HueSaturation and Hue
RecordON/OFF, status and TC
TallyRed/Green tally
LensZoom and Focus

In SDI/ATEM, the control is unidirectional, so if you do a white balance on camera body, it will not be reflected on the RCP (neither in the Blackmagic software).

In IP, this is bidirectional and we receive async values.

RCP menus overview:

IP Direct

In local, the RCP connects directly to your cameras.

In remote (4G/RF), the RCP connects to the RIO and the RIO connects directly to the camera.

You can mix local and remote control on the same RCP.

You can have one cam per RCP. Or you can have multiple cams on the same RCP.

You can find the guide to setup your camera here.


Typically used if you:

  • have direct IP link to the cameras (even if you have an ATEM)
  • wants to use your camera remotely

Only works with Blackmagic URSA G2 and Blackmagic Microstudio G2 in their latest software version. Requires your RCP to be updated to at least 24.1.3. For other models, it will be through SDI/ATEM.

IP through ATEM

In local, the RCP connects to the ATEM using a standard ethernet switch. Then the ATEM connects to every Blackmagic camera over SDI.

In remote, this is not possible, so you would typically use a RCP that will connects to a RIO that will itself connects to a camera (over IP or SDI using RSBM module).

You can find the guide to setup your camera here.


Typically used if you have already an ATEM with SDI in/out wired and no ethernet to the cameras. Works with any Blackmagic camera that has SDI in/out.


Works with any Blackmagic camera that has SDI in and SDI out. But also works with HDMI camera like the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema using an ATEM HDMI.


Works with any ATEM (mini, constellation, etc.)


In local, the RCP connects to a CI0-BM (it's a specific CI0 with 3 ports: 2 serials and 1 SDI out+loop).

You can find the guide to setup your camera here.


You could totally replace the CI0-BM with an ATEM (mini SDI or any ATEM).


Typically used for polecam or workflow where you're in LAN without an ATEM on hand and you want to stay in the Cyanview ecosystem.

Blackmagic Wireless

For remote control, you need a RCP and a RIO on the camera side. And every setup above will work, just using a RIO/RCP combo instead of RCP.



Typically used for a steadycam in a studio where you have a stable/robust WiFi and few people.


RCP could connect to the BM camera using WiFi or Ethernet.



Typically used for remote production or for a steadycam with huge coverage outside any WiFi infrastructure

From the field

Blackmagic URSA G2 remote control on track

This event was covered by AVEO, APR and LENI (France).

The setup:

  • RCP in the truck
  • RIO + RSBM on the backpack to control camera through SDI
  • telemetry through Haivision DataBridge
  • Tally from ATEM in the truck (ATEM -> RCP -> RIO -> CAM)

You can find a in depth article here

Blackmagic URSA in remote production

  • multiples Blackmagic URSA G2
  • RIO + RSBM to control the camera (through SDI in)
  • streaming using Aviwest

Could use IP control (instead of SDI with RSBM) with the new camera FW update

  • single RCP controlling multiple cameras
  • from a remote location

Blackmagic URSA on cable cam in 4G

On camera side:

  • one Blackmagic URSA G2
  • RIO controlling the camera over IP
  • RIO controlling the lens over 12P serial cable (to have iris/zoom/focus precise control)
  • RIO connected in 4G to internet (

On vision engineer side:

  • 1 RCP to control the camera remotely (paint + iris)
  • Connected in 4G to internet (
  • Importing cam from RIO

On operator side:

  • One NIO
  • Connected in 4G to internet (
  • Importing cam from RIO
  • BM zoom/focus handles connected to NIO USB to remotely zoom/focus